Saturday, January 1, 2011

Clash Of The Titans

Earlier this week I wrote a very preliminary overview for the year 2011, which allowed me to list on the opening day project.
One of the decisions was set before me the choice between unconditional organization Mitch Maier and ex-White Greg a brave gardens of the bank (I'm assuming Melky Cabrera and Lorenzo Cain, starting in the middle). One of our readers have asked me why I know and Mitch at the time loved him, not really a sound basis for the decision.
I like to joke, because I have a franchise-MVP in 2005 for PlayStation 2, I updated the system to reflect the perspectives of the Minor League Minor League and Major League operations (Mark Teahen won the MVP twice, actually). In this game, Maier had developed fourth outfielder David DeJesus in the lineup dethrone. Not really a good basis to keep a guy from the Royals list of real, however, is not it? In the interest of fairness, I saw both players to determine whether there is a clear winner in this race.
Mitch Maier, have the Royals a general fast outfielder with good range that produces the right of the top to the average in the league. It is not too much to touch, walk at a faster rate than average, but does not show much energy. Showed a good health as an important Leaguer, there is no risk to the task of the program.
Gregor Blanco, Royals outfielder with a generally fast with a good selection that occurs in the right side of the plate around the average in the league. It is not too much to touch, walk at a faster rate than average, but does not show much energy. Showed a good health as an important Leaguer, there is no risk to the task of the program.
Okay, it's not easy to distinguish between the two.
White feet more (12.8% to 9.5%), but Maier has more pop in his bat. White is a thief basic (74% vs 66% success), but Maier was a split in the peloton less pronounced. Maier has a career .663/.721 split on the right / left hand. White is divided .713/584 (strangely Maier has a higher percentage of shots against left-handers).
White on the defensive is to be regarded as a longer-range, while Maier has a better arm. After Fangraphs, Maier better UZR (Ultimate Zone Rating) for 150 games in white - at least in the middle. Maier their number at 2.9 runs below average as a professional gardener in 150 games, but less than 1.4 in the middle of his career. improved in 2010 to 4.6 works better than the average in UZR. White is a field player in his career UZR/150 -1.2 and 3.0 runs under the middle of this classification. In 2010, two teams that run better than the 2.9 average.
Bill James, for his part, the rate of white as the best defensive players - but not great. In 2010, White had a + / - rating of -3 total. The measurement of Bill James has an advantage for a game, a gaming environment, no less for the work that was done by an average fielder, but was not before. White had three shots below the average (even if it was 6 in the middle of the Braves). The same extent, Maier was -12 plays below average and not a positive effect in all outfield positions in 2010. The result of missed work or show that savings Maier knows five points less than the average and a network of at least one race.
Bill James and base running of activities in its annual report for 2010 Guide has White seven bases on which to have a career average that helped. Maier was -3 bases.
Maier is on the desktop when Ned Yost at the time, a plea for first place in the file, please note that it:
If you are looking to fill a niche for a player every day, lack of benefits divided Maier shot him, and his OPS is better against left-handed simply means there is less need to play with the lineup against left-handers.The measures of defense is a fundamental player. White is probably a little better, but not to the extent it is necessary to Mitch out of the race. In fact, the arm of Mitch and accessories, as valuable as a white would be an advantage.Maier probably enough to walk to a hitter, when necessary for the Royals, but he hit lower in the lineup, probably the least decided to ground into a double play (in 82 at bats with a runner on first and less than 2 outputs, Maier for only three double plays - White was 5 program for women in 38 PA)Maier occasional pop and Excel, but only up to a maximum of 15 home runs in a season (at best), which was more than white will be a period of ten years.White can get more speed, but not exactly Maier Cecil Fielder with.Gregor Blanco should, however, that his case with the following:
Pitching for Kansas City will probably bring up the ball in play a lot. If you put someone in the field, should someone like White, who can cover ground with his legs.Of course, Maier is above average in the league, but still knows more than 3% walk rate in defeat. He is the prototype Leadoff hitter - batting speed, patience and a keen eye.Blanco was successful in 10 of his 12 attempts to steal the base after joining the Royals. It can turn a walk in two if given the green light. I am sure that Billy Butler would be a runner on second how can you write with ease.White sent a maximum of 100 OPS + instead of Maier 94th It is 6% below average, despite the advantage of shooting percentage. White has the advantage in their career with a 85 OPS + Maier 84th (Small Victories)According to Baseball Reference, the rate of white as a 0.0 WAR player required. This is exactly the reproduction rate, making the league minimum. Fangraphs him as a player of 1.9 WAR.
Maier is 1.6 wins better than waiting for his career, according to BR, but only 0.7 Fangraphs measures WAR.
The most important criterion is how a player can be used. It is almost certain end thatMelky Cabrera started in midfield, like it or not. Lorenzo Cain was able to start the year in Omaha, for spots on black and Maier (although it is rare to have two backup outfield with some solid power, center-left and walk rates modestly strong in the bank). I'm sure it will be sent in one direction or the other solely because of the lack of need for both the same type of players on the list.
So here is my final opinion: If Lorenzo Cain began the year in Triple-A, Maier is a better choice than outfielder all season, because year after year, consistency, his strong walk rate, the power of time period, including his turn including fractures. It could mean one of the gardeners of the three times a week and get many at-bats during the year, on average, maybe a little, almost only slightly more than the average production costs.
If the opening day listing Cain, as right-handed, which could be paired with white on a train situation with partial Cain, the best openings, but whites get a fair share of time against right-handers. For what it's worth, White 4 for 5 was a stroke last year, but it's a small sample, you do not have much to gain from it. Can steal his speed and base make it a better fit as the fourth field players and a pinch runner inlet end or replacement anyway (even if the walk rate is real and attractive for the Leadoff spot).
When pressed on this point, but I stay with my gut. Maier looks like a ball player, or at least more than Blanco. I know this is a weak base, to make a decision, but baseball executives but despite a wealth of statistical data for the point in any direction other than "to test the vision." With most things being equal, or at least close, I think it's a safe bet is to give the advantage of Maier.


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