Saturday, January 8, 2011

Janet Napolitano

Janet Napolitano
A package that began yesterday at the post office in Washington, was the Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano addressed.
A U.S. official said the package was burnt, as postal workers in a dumpster.
The paquete''fue similar in the two flame retardant packages naturaleza''a found the day before the government building in Maryland, the police chief of Washington, said Cathy Lanier.
The recent incident that caused the evacuation of the post, no injuries.
The package is unopened and burns, said another police official.
Maryland parcels with notes criticism of the signs urging motorists to report suspicious activity.
The message says:''Report suspicious activity! A total lie! He created a self-fulfilling prophecy.''
The package, addressed to Governor Martin O'Malley removed and Transport Minister Beverley Swaim Staley, at the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia for DNA analysis.
To within 15 minutes in state government buildings to 32 kilometers will be opened.
Workers, the package opened their fingers burned, but no serious injuries.
Shortly after Maryland by mail were acquitted and two other suspicious packages were discovered. The package turned out to be a toner and laptop batteries, however.
No explosive material was know in a package that was going on, and the authorities not know if the packages are discovered a traffic hazard. Mailroom employees back to work yesterday. They had pictures of packages and were asked to look at something suspicious.
Joint Task Force on Terrorism FBI assist in the investigation.
Postal inspectors have shipped 13 dangerous device in 2005 identified, and one person was injured, according to the U.S. Postal Service. The inspectors have eight of the arrests in such cases.
Packets are not sent Thursday as hazardous because it contained no bomb, said U.S. Postal Inspector Frank Schissler.
In 2001, the United States still the terrorist attacks of 11th September, letters containing anthrax were sent to lawmakers and news organizations. Postal Service, the U.S. Capitol and private offices were closed for inspection and cleaning.
anthrax spores killed five people fell ill and 17th.


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