Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kissing Tips

Kissing Tips
As you can hear it, the Constitution (Article III did was so short) sit and fly for the next term, here are five things you should consider:
The new way to criticize Congress come. There are things wrong with this institution. Of course, you know - you know! But like most of these criticisms, in line with "all current members of Congress are evil demons, hopes and dreams will survive the working class eat Americans, their approach can now requires some adjustments that you are a member of itself. Try something like "All members of Congress evil demons that are consuming the hopes and dreams of working class Americans, with the exception of me and this guy Steve, I met at orientation and was good.
Expenditure of more than pork-barrel. Now it's Congress, has something known as constituents. The voters are like children: they are always wondered what one of you, especially money and tell them how special they are, and you have to say that you love and are interested in your experiences, because finally decide to make your home. Before you complain about pork-barrel spending can was widespread throughout the Congress. But now that you're really there and that their voters want, such as road and construction projects must obtain a position in a statement. Try "There are two types of election expenses. This is not the villain, not the way that the benefits of Kentucky, where the people are the ones who deserve it."
The non-partisan. In the old days, the Congress is an institution full of massive bipartisan collegiality. Of course, sometimes instead of the management and sometimes a member of another member of the tribe of the service in the Senate, but other than that, it seems that part of the 60, wants to talk. Today it is different. Of course, you will see that the members of the other party from time to time, and some columnists will meet in front of them. But despite appearances to the contrary, not really people with ideas to serve in the systems of values and the desire of his country which would be similar. If they are, agree with you. They stick to his refusal to have anything to do with them. You know what happens to people from the whole gang, met from the food cart, and the cry of the flight attendants.
Stay in touch with the voters. Back in the day, Congress was essentially himself, trying with the exception of visits of journalists, stories about what had happened to create "on the ground." Now Congress is left to their fate, but most of these devices are capable of WiFi. Use as many messages as possible Tweet vague promotion of their "followers". Try to avoid too much contact with Snook, but otherwise crazy! Just do not say anything you regret ever or possibly controversial or that might offend someone somewhere. A good example of the right kind of tweet, "Hey! Sure, America is wonderful! Other countries are also good. But America is better! Texas is my favorite state. It seems that it might rain."
the General Council. You forgot to mention how many times I hate the culture here and how you sleep in your office, and the child in the arms are numb! Bring tissues for President John Boehner and offer to "spend time together, listen, we can walk the grounds." go to queue at, to see "Waiting for Superman, and I know it" a real tear in the sense that the school system. often tell people how much they are Washington. Secretly buy a house here hate.


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