Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nus Map

Nus Map
Last month, the fight against tax evasion in the pristine nature UK Twitter?. Could the organizers of the action Taunton this Saturday please contact thank you "theorists talk about how new technologies facilitate decentralized non-hierarchical, horizontal networks. Well, in less than 140 characters, this network is what it seems.
several demonstrations UK seamless trash the idea that the online campaign was essentially "clicktivism." - Online petitions and other activities without effort, in fact, not only refute these hypotheses, as upside Uncut UK spokesman. "So many campaigns on the premise that the less you ask someone to do it are based, the more they are likely to make this campaign has shown the opposite of people who have never taken a protest with the organization .. .
The development of other recent months was the protest of the students. Here the media has helped to promote a new movement, radical NIS outside established structures and traditional groups on the left. Every profession has seemed to follow a two stage process: 1) the construction, Take 2) Open a Twitter account. And by the demonstrators Twitter coordinated among themselves and transmit their stories to everyone.
The student protests have led to innovative use of open source technologies, such as Google Maps mash-up that offers a live view of the kettling police. And then there's the site I'm involved in a false economy, an attempt to online maps and reductions in campaigns in the UK, while the statement of the economic arguments against cuts to a wide audience.
political activists were often guilty of talking about everything about each other. However, starting some more imaginative ways of finding convey their message. Tax evasion in connection with UK Uncut Philip Green to cutbacks in school sport by organizing sports days Interior Topshop. And when it comes to communicate to a wider audience, we now have a powerful tool: Social Media.
A newspaper that is the power of social media, the Daily Mail knows Mail website readers is huge - the second news site in English for the New York Times, the world is - and 10% of traffic is generated by Facebook mail. online editor Martin Clarke, said recently: "Facebook is not a threat, but a large ... Marketing engine is free. "But the truth is both. Let us be the impact of social media in the wake of student protests. Vehicles, such as Jody McIntyre from her wheelchair, spread over the web away, undermining the traditional media narrative, banditry on the side of students were.
A history of how this virus can also influence the mass media. The case of McIntyre Mail reported in its news pages, as the "wheelchair man Shocking Videos investigated by police for disabled student protests provoked a scandal."
And when the police checked with water cannons against demonstrators released the mail a particularly cruel painting titled "In the picture: How can water cannons demonstrators BLIND ...". Where do you see this picture? Probably a little blog on the left side, a third, the story was a few days ago and received 30,000 visits. E-mail management can see Facebook as an engine of free trade, but for activists, social media offer other interesting possibilities.


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