Sunday, May 29, 2011

RSAF Open House 2011

TWO ministers used the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Open House 2011 as an opportunity to engage students and stakeholders through dialogue.
In conjunction with the visit to the RSAF Open House, Minister of State for Defence and Education Lawrence Wong Shyun Tsai hosted 220 students from 20 junior colleges, Integrated Programme schools, and polytechnics to the 2nd Temasek Dialogue held at the Air Force Training Command on 26 May 2011.
Based on the theme for this year's Temasek Dialogue - "Defending Our Home", the students and Mr Wong discussed ways that the younger generation can play a part in the growth, development and sustainability of Singapore's defence.
Speaking to the students, Mr Wong talked about how deterrence has worked because of a strong SAF built through many years of National Service (NS).
He added that for defence efforts to be complete, every individual must be committed to the defence and security of Singapore.
The Temasek Dialogue, held in conjunction with an SAF Open House, aims to create interest in public service, and to increase awareness and appreciation of security-related issues among students.
Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Defence and National Development Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman also hosted dialogues and visits to the Open House for members of the Advisory Council of Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD), employers, civil resource owners and trade union leaders on 26 May 2011; and representatives from the Women Groups and grassroots organisations from 28 and 29 May 2011, respectively.


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