Saturday, June 11, 2011

Love Keeps Going

So I checked out episode one of Love Keeps Going which premiered last Sunday with a respectable 1.84, which is about what its predecessor drama Sunny Happinessaveraged during its run. I kept my expectations low and my biases in check just to see if the story and execution worked for me.
My verdict is this – Love Keeps Going better keep on going the hell away from me. I almost headdesked myself into a stupor by the end of episode 1, and hilariously, it’s for all the opposite reasons I could have imagined. It’s a pass for me on this one, but there were a few things I liked, including some songs off the OST, so I’ll share a download link at the end of the post.
There was an amazing flip-flop in my opinion of the two leads. Cyndi Wang did not annoy me at all, and her acting has in fact gotten slightly better. I like her character Cha Mei Le, quirks and extreme personality traits and all. Mike He, on the other hand, was dreadful, a huge step back from the pitch-perfect performance he delivered as Xian Yun Jie in Sunny Happiness. I thought I was watching mutant-Mike or something. I loathe his Han Yi Lie character, and Mike’s performance is a combination of stiffness and spitting out his dialogue to convey his attitude.
I also hate the story so far – all the secondary characters are written in such one-dimensional ways, and the thought of Mei Le getting cheated on by her current boyfriend, who happens to be Yi Lie’s older brother, and somehow she and the younger brother end up falling in love, really doesn’t work for me. Plus the glimpse of the Big Medical Condition of Doom in the preview leaves me running away screaming. I can’t watch this drama because I refuse to have my newfounded love of Mike destroyed.
With that said, I have to give props to Cyndi – she carried episode 1 and was the only character resembling a normal human being. She and Mike do have chemistry, though I don’t know if it’ll touch the intensity of what Mike and Rainie Yang have together, or even surpass the delicate tenderness of Mike and Janine Chang.
I’m glad I checked out this drama, because the OST is excellent. Cyndi, whose speaking voice I can’t stand, is actually a singer by training, and I like her as a singer much better. She sings the theme song for Love Keeps Going called “Don’t Cry”, and it might just be my favorite theme song from any TW-drama this year.


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